We Care
Planting Trees
When you purchase any item from pleepleus.com, you are planting three trees! Through a partnership with Green Forests Work, we make a contribution to their organization that results in three trees being planted through their initiatives. Since 2009, Green Forests Work has planted over four million trees across over 6,000 acres of deforested areas in the Appalachian region of the United States
At pleepleus, it’s our goal to raise awareness, encourage people to plant trees, and to replenish the nation’s trees in an effort to reestablish ecosystems and provide habitats for wildlife.
Tree's Planted To-Date*:

* this number includes purchases from our previous company Adv3nture
Packaging & Fulfillment
In an effort to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the environment, we are continually making efforts to reduce our use of plastics. As of June 1, 2022, our soft mailers have been made from 100% compostable material. The mailers are made from a combination of PLA (plant materials such as field corn and wheat straw) and PBAT, a bio-based polymer used to bind the plant materials. These plant materials make up less than 0.05% of the annual global corn crop, which means our compostable mailers' source material has an incredibly low environmental impact – MUCH lower than traditional plastic or paper mailers. Even our shipping labels are made from compostable plant material. So, once you’ve received a product in one of our green-colored mailers, you can put it in your recycling bin, compost pile, or bury it in your garden.
Even “recycled” plastic mailers eventually break down into greenhouse gasses and can result in microplastics circulating in our waters and soils. When you order a product from pleepleus.com you can be confident that you’re helping cut out unnecessary plastics from the retail cycle!
Our fulfillment center has a robust recycling program too! We recycle, upcycle, and reuse all paper and cardboard that comes into our warehouse. We recycle all hard and soft plastics that we receive and actively work with our manufacturers to limit the amount of non-recyclables that are used in the packaging and distribution of our products.